+234 915 434 6481


+234 915 434 6481




DWC Creed (Tenets of Faith)

We believe in one God, who is infinitely perfect and eternally existent in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit who are perfectly united in purpose.
God is the creator of all things, Father and God above all.

Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is true God and true man; conceived of the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary. He came to earth as man and died on the cross; He rose bodily from the dead, conquered death and hell and is sat in Heaven at the right hand of God as our Advocate, High Priest and Saviour.
With His blood, He atoned for man’s sins and through Him, mankind is reconciled to God. Jesus is the Son of God and His name is above every other name; salvation is found in Him as the only way to God.
At a time appointed, He will come back again (Second Coming) as our King to rule on earth forever and ever. Jesus is the Head of the church, which is His body on earth today.

The Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead on earth today as the custodian of the Church of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the revealer of truth (word of God), guide and instructor of the church as well as of individual Christians. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is accompanied by Speaking in Tongues.

The Church on Mission
We believe in the one true universal Church of God which is the assembly of born-again people who are joint heirs with Christ and now serve God in spirit and truth.
We believe a divinely called and scripturally ordained leadership serves the church and the Bibles teaches that each of us under leadership must commit to fulfilling the Great Commandment of preaching Jesus to the world.
The Church is the Body of Christ, a Spiritual Habitation, the Fellowship of Saints, the Bride of Christ, God’s channel of truth, the Pillar of Truth and the Light of the World.

Word of Truth
We believe that the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible are the inspired Word of God, the sole authority and sure foundation of our Christian faith and life. The word is the only thing that can transform man into the image of God and must be taught or preached without alterations.

Water Baptism
We believe that water baptism by complete immersion in water is an ordinance to be observed by the church. Water baptism signifies that the one being baptized is identifying with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

We believe that God is love and love is true measure of a believer’s character or maturity; it is the most excellent way. We are commanded to love God, love mankind, love fellow Christians and then ourselves.

Victorious Living
We believe that this is the reason for which Jesus went to the Cross. His death, resurrection and ascension made salvation: victory, divine healing, prosperity, protection and deliverance available for mankind.
We believe that believers live by faith and without faith it is impossible to please God. The remission of sins provides not only salvation for the believer but healing and prosperity as well. We are redeemed from the curse of the law, which are poverty, sickness, disease and death. Our lives will be prosperous, healthy and victorious here on earth if we walk in the light of this redemption with faith in God’s word.

Resurrection /Believer’s Eternal Hope
We believe man is a spirit will be raised again to life after death. For Believers, resurrection is the beginning of glorification and changing of the physical body to share in the glorious redemption provided for the whole man by Christ.
At a time appointed, the dead in Christ are raised and those (believers) still living will be caught up to stand the judgment seat of Christ where our walk on earth will be judged and rewarded.
Those who died without Christ will be raised to face the judgment of condemnation at the great white throne judgment.